Tis the season to listen to a lot of great Canadian Indie Christmas Holidays music! Christmas is only a couple days away and we have a couple of playlists to listen to, one is a condensed 2022 version with a mix of new releases and some old favourites and the other is the longer compilation.

The longer version is another playlist that began many years ago. I have shared it for many Christmas seasons now and got some suggestions along the way for more tracks to add. It is getting quite long! There are a growing number of versions of traditional Christmas music now but I do prefer the original songs. There is also a couple of YouTube playlists with most of the same tracks. I love Wintersleep’s Little Drummer Boy and it isn’t available on Spotify but I added it on the longer YouTube playlist.

I will be checking out Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada XIV for new additions to the playlist.

This year family and friends are gathering again. It has been a few years since we were able to gather as a large family group and I am looking forward to it. I hope you are able to be with family and friends this year as well but if not we have some music for that in the playlist too.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Check out the over 200 songs collection below.