The OurBasement playlist for this week is the March 2023 Release Radar, featuring all the new music created by Canadian artists in the last month or so. There’s lots of new music for us to discover this month, with a Spotify Release Radar playlist and a playlist on YouTube.

The Spotify playlist has over 300 songs, while the YouTube playlist features 250 of the tracks. Unfortunately, the playlist converter couldn’t handle more than that, so it was cut short. All the tracks on the playlists are new releases, with some being teasers for upcoming albums, some from just-released albums or EPs, and some are standalone singles. We discovered the tracks through various sources, including Spotify, Earshot, Exclaim, and others. The top half of the playlist features tracks from artists we were aware of, along with some that caught our ear, with the rest following. There may be some gems in that bottom half that we just haven’t gotten to yet, so we encourage you to check them out. The playlist features new releases from independent Canadian artists across a variety of genres, including indie rock, folk, hip-hop, and more.

Why should you listen to the OurBasement monthly release radar playlist?

There are several reasons why you should listen to the OurBasement monthly release radar playlist. Firstly, it’s a great way to discover new music from up-and-coming independent Canadian artists. If you’re tired of listening to the same old songs on the radio, this playlist is a great way to find fresh, exciting music that you won’t hear anywhere else.

Secondly, the OurBasement monthly release radar playlist is a great way to support independent Canadian artists. By listening to their music on Spotify, you’re helping to boost their streams and support their careers. Many independent artists rely on streaming revenue to make a living, so every little bit helps.

Finally, the OurBasement monthly release radar playlist is just a great playlist. The music is always fresh and exciting, with a diverse range of artists and genres. Whether you’re into indie rock, folk, or hip-hop, you’re sure to find something you love on this playlist.

Enjoy the playlist of music by Canadian artists released in March 2023, give or take a couple of weeks.