Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable,


The Earth Day 2023 theme is focused on engaging the more than 1 billion people, governments, institutions, and businesses who participate in Earth Day to recognize our collective responsibility and to help accelerate the transition to an equitable, prosperous green economy for all. We are focused on reframing the conversation, accelerating action, and bringing everyone together to understand that this is within our reach if we work together.  

Whether you are taking actions virtually or in person – you can join the largest environmental movement on Earth!

For more information on Earth Day 2023, the official theme, updates, and how to get involved, please visit: https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2023/

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22nd, dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. One great way to celebrate Earth Day is through music, and Canadian Indie music provides the perfect soundtrack. This weeks playlist is of Canadian Indie music to inspire you to connect with nature, reduce your carbon footprint, and appreciate the beauty of our planet. Joni Mitchell and Bruce Cockburn just had to make an appearance on the playlist with their songs Big Yellow Taxi and If A Tree Falls. The playlist is on both Spotify and YouTube as usual.

There are many Canadian Indie songs that celebrate the natural world and inspire us to take action to protect it. So this Earth Day, turn up the volume, soak up some nature, and let the music move you.