It’s that time of year again for DarTurkey to appear. It is also the time when Canadians gather around tables adorned with delicious feasts, sharing gratitude and warm moments with loved ones. Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday that allows us to reflect on the blessings and abundance in our lives. At OurBasement, we celebrate this season of thankfulness with a special playlist that features an array of songs by Canadian artists. These songs capture the essence of Thanksgiving, from the joy of harvest to the warmth of family gatherings.

Thanksgiving in Canada: A Time-Honored Tradition Thanksgiving Day in Canada has been celebrated since 1957, marked by gatherings on the second Monday of October. It’s a day to express gratitude for the past year’s fortunes, especially the bountiful harvest. But long before Canadian Thanksgiving, Indigenous peoples in North America held festivals to celebrate the completion of harvests, sharing an appreciation for the earth’s bounty. Today, Thanksgiving remains a time to reflect on our blessings and give thanks for the goodness in our lives.

Music: The Universal Language of Gratitude Music has the remarkable power to convey emotions and sentiments, making it an ideal medium for expressing gratitude. Our Thanksgiving playlists are a labour of love, a collection that began in 2016 and has grown ever since and a condensed 2023 version. It’s a musical feast, offering songs that resonate with the spirit of Thanksgiving and those that loosely fit the theme.

A Playlist of Gratitude Our playlists features Canadian artists who have crafted songs about thanksgiving, the harvest, family, home, and the simple joys of life. Whether you’re carving a turkey, sharing laughter around the table, or simply taking a moment to reflect on life’s blessings, these songs provide the perfect backdrop to your Thanksgiving celebration.

Give Thanks and Share the Love Thanksgiving is not only about reflecting on our own blessings but also about extending our gratitude to others. A simple “thank you” can brighten someone’s day and strengthen the bonds of friendship and family. As you enjoy this playlist, consider the people in your life who’ve made a difference and take a moment to express your appreciation.

Happy Thanksgiving! As we gather with loved ones and savour the flavours of the season, let the music in this playlist remind us of the beauty of gratitude. Whether it’s the melodies that evoke the spirit of harvest or the lyrics that celebrate the warmth of home, these songs resonate with the essence of Thanksgiving. From all of us at OurBasement, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and the joy of giving thanks. Enjoy the music, cherish the moments, and may your hearts be full of gratitude.

And the full playlist compilation.