May 12th is Mother’s Day so that is what our playlist is about this week. We start out in a City With No Children, Before the Children Came Along. Then we discover I am Going to Have a Child but some were Born Yesterday so we Welcome them into the world and declare we will do our Level Best for them. Such Baby Sunshine and Babes In The Wood they are. We shall sing them some Lullabies and Rock (Me Now) to sleep. For You Are My Sunshine and mother’s do it All For You my child. We shall Take Care of Each Other as some wonder Who Do We Care For? Well, even Bad Boys Need Love Too. For Love and Your Mother’s Sake just let her look after you because she just wants to be a Good Mother.

We will sing many songs for Mothers and Mamas. And the Children and Kids are thankful, as am I even though I’m Not A Kid Anymore. Some Kids just Don’t Get It that Single Mothers are on duty 24/7. Hopefully they learn to be grateful for all they do for them and wish them a…