Hey Our Basement,

The Barettas have been resurrected and are back from the grave. And we’re aiming right in between the music industry’s eyes! Bang bang, baby.

Our entire new album, out January 29th, is full of pump you up, getting ready to go out, running in the woods music. “Touché,” the song we’re sharing with you today, was inspired by skipping to the Hamilton bar, Che.

I might be sick in the head, but I’m not crazy. We both have our own reasons for loving this lyric.

Lauren sees it as a, “This is me, take me as I am,” no fucks given attitude. Katie sees it as something that everyone can relate to regarding one’s mental health, as in it’s okay to be yourself…even if people think you’re nuts.

Thanks for listening!

We can’t wait to share our whole new album with you,
The Barettas