Hi Our Basement,

My new song, “Someone Like You,” is about that special someone, and the super deep adoration you feel for them. Sure, you make mistakes sometimes, and often get jealous or insecure when you see them around other people, but you love them.

They take days that are bad and turn them into good days, and they are someone who just has your back. “Someone Like You” is an opportunity to tell them that you love and appreciate the hell out of them.

My new, self-titled EP was inspired by themes of love, heartbreak, lust, appreciation. I fused them all together with vintage, earthy musical tones as warm as a summer day, but as impactful as a glass of whisky.

I think that everyone can relate to each of these songs in one way or another.
I think that people should focus on being good to one another and continuing to spread love wherever they go.

Thank you for listening!
Riley Michaels

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