Hello Our Basement,

“divine” is a song about recognizing this quality within ourselves.
We possess and become aware of our inner divinity through reflection, solitude, self love, and resilience.

This track is ambient-soul, cosmic musing, sensual, loving, serene.
It is queer. It is black. It is embodied. It is a dream.

“divine” made me challenge myself as a creator, being the first song where I perform spoken word over my productions.

“divine” is the third single to be released from my forthcoming ambient electronic EP, e.strange.d. The album is out on October 22nd.

We are constantly learning from others, they are our mirror, how we shape ourselves.

Recognizing the divinity in someone else is recognizing it within yourself.
There’s power in that despite our pasts and hurts. We are full and whole regardless.

Thank you for taking the time to listen,
shn shn