Tis the season to listen to a lot of great Canadian Indie Christmas Holidays music! This year COVID-19 is still causing troubles and music is a great way to help deal with all the emotions of the season. It’s been another tough year but I still plan on finding some holiday joy and my hope is that the playlists helps us all.

This is another playlist that began back on the CBC website and then I brought what I could over to Spotify. I have shared it for many Christmas seasons now and got some suggestions along the way for more tracks to add. It is getting quite long! There are a growing number of versions of traditional Christmas music now but I do prefer the original songs. There is also a YouTube playlist with most of the same tracks. I love Wintersleep’s Little Drummer Boy and it isn’t available on Spotify but I was able to add it on the YouTube one. And yes Ivan Hrvatska’s First I Make Love To You, Then I Make Love To Christmas is still on both. I have added a condensed Spotify playlist for 2021. Do you have a Christmas or Anti-Christmas song by a Canadian artist (indie preferably) that you would like added to the playlists?

For some more seasonal music you can head to The Line of Best Fit Bandcamp page, where they have their download of Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada XIII featuring seasonal selections from many artists.

Thank you to everyone that checks in here, whether you post a comment or not. Thanks for reading and listening and sharing the love of music. Enjoy the playlists and Happy Holidays!

And below is the condensed versions.