Our Basement,
I wrote the bluesy and driving song, “Edge of Goodbye,” to create a space for moments of angst where we find ourselves second guessing our choice of partner.

Anyone who is in a long-term relationship has been there at some point, wondering to themselves what they were thinking when they got together with this person.

“Edge of Goodbye” is all about that ‘blow off the steam’ moment… Once someone feels calmer, they often realize that what they have is pretty damn good, all things considered.

The title chosen for this song captures the essence of the ebb and flow of relationships, where we doubt ourselves and the other person…

We may not end up over the ‘edge of goodbye,’ but we can sure get close sometimes.

“Crushed expectations, sheer disappointment – maybe I just can’t see what I’ve got in front of me.”

For me, this line reflects on how unrealistic expectations can drive one to reconsider everything. In that recognition, there is a realization that who they’re with is exactly who they need.

Thanks for spending time with this song,
Ollee Owens
