Our Basement,

I want to talk about heartbreak – not in a selective way.

I want to air the complexities of loving and leaving a person, of missing and aching while leaning into freedom. I want the catharsis of figuratively digging my fingernails into my skin and feeling a sharp pain with relief quick to follow.

A year ago, I went through a really tumultuous relationship. I dated this girl for a year and a half, and she completely manipulated my brain into thinking I am not who I am. She brought out probably the worst sides of me that I have ever seen – I wasn’t myself.

I can’t write happy music all the time. I must pull from past emotions to create new music and to resonate with what people are going through. Not everyone is happy all the time. You can have a married artist—I’m engaged—but I’m still writing breakup songs.

This one’s for the girl who cried wolf so many times, she began to believe her own lies.

Thanks for listening and supporting! 🖤